Sunday, June 20, 2010

Last Day of Teaching!

Tomorrow (Monday) will be our final teaching day of the year. This year has flown by and yet, it feels like such a long time since we were home with family and friends. Still, this last day really crept up on me and will be bittersweet, as Jeff and I have both really gotten to know and like our students.

Though it's our last teaching day, we will still have a week and a half of work to go - finals on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, followed by a few days of entering grades and comments, parent-teacher conferences, and administrative odds and ends.


  1. Have a great ending with your kids

  2. whoa. how'd that happen?! Hope the last day is good and that finals etc. go smoothly.

  3. You are leaving a little bit of "You" in all of your students. They will be changed forever, just as you will be. They will start singing Christmas Carols out of the blue and wanting to play board games with their families. China will never be the same! Cheers :) xoxo Mom
