Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Homeward Bound

I'm going to interrupt my string of Beijing posts to share that we finally made our plans to come home! We'll leave Shanghai (with mixed feelings, I'm sure) on July 4, head first to India for some sightseeing, then to London for a couple of days of sightseeing and catching up with good friends, and then finally will land in Chicago on July 13. Let the countdown begin!


  1. Can't wait...when will you be in California?

  2. no offense, but ive just marked my calendar! Can't wait to have you both back in the States :)

  3. Wow! You two are almost finished!! Congratulations and enjoy the rest of your time! Too bad there aren{t any stopovers in Honduras :)

  4. 59 days and counting! It will be good to have you back on home soil:) Get to California soon, I need a hug! xoxo Mom

  5. London too? So you'll be easing back into the Western world. We can't wait for you to come home!
