Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve

In a few hours, we're off to the airport, headed for the island of Cebu in the central Philippines (and a safe distance from the Mayon Volcano.) In the meantime, we're busy finishing up a day of work and packing to go. Here's a picture of Jeff showing off the gifts that his students had given him today - they really love him!


  1. Holy smokes! You really scored. Maybe I should teach in China. :)

  2. Who wouldn't love Jeff? And we love you too Care! Have a great Christmas!

  3. Have fun! We'll be thinking of you in the midwest snowstorm - 16 to 20 inches over the next few days!!! I hope Santa brought me a koala hat for Christmas...

  4. I've always loved that holiday ~
    Christmas Eve Eve Eve! :)
