Thursday, October 22, 2009

Home cookin'

Because eating out is so incredibly easy to do here (financially and physically), we don't cook at home as much as we used to. But, when we do, it always feels like a bit of an adventure. Our "kitchen" doesn't have a stove or an oven. (We both miss baking and I especially miss Jeff's homemade bread!) What we have instead are two hot plates - one from each of our apartments. They get hot really quickly, so it's taken a few pots boiling over to get used to keeping a close eye on them. Tonight, we made pasta with delicious fresh veggies and herbs. Other successful meals have included green curry, omelettes, and several variations of experimental Chinese cooking. It's fun to try out local ingredients. I'm sure that, as the weather gets colder, we'll be inclined to stay in more often - stay tuned for the inevitable stories about soup!


  1. You guys are awesome!! Way to get cookin'

  2. OK, the Bread Maker is on its way:) Get out the flour!

  3. Oh good. I was (selfishly) afraid you were forgetting how to cook. Your two hot plates make a decent stovetop!
